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Catalogues 4 Business » We have been designing catalogues for over 16 years

We have been designing catalogues for over 16 years

1998 was the year that it all started for Catalogues 4 Business; 16 years later and, at a guess, 1100 catalogues we are still here, doing what we do best. If you work out the average, that’s around 6-8 catalogues a month. From parrot food to motorsport accessories, B2B and B2C, we’ve done it all and loved every minute.

But we don’t simply churn out page after page without challenging, understanding and exceeding our client’s expectations.
With over 10 ECMOD Awards won by our clients, and a few awards ourselves, we must be doing something exceptionally well!

We place our clients at the heart of our business and work to help them achieve their goals. Our involvement often reaches to every part of their business. Understanding how their business works, helps us create better, more effective catalogues.
Our clients range from huge multi-nationals to start-ups and they all have one thing in common; passion – to learn, develop and succeed.

This passion is equally matched by Catalogues 4 Business’ desire for excellence. Our catalogue design solutions cultivate brand awareness and drive product sales. We are catalogue marketers as well as designers and recognize that looking good is only part of the solution, catalogues also have to work hard!

If you want to learn more about Catalogues 4 Business and share our passion for catalogue excellence, please contact Ian Simpson on 0845 2300 258 or drop us an email.