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Catalogues 4 Business » Blog » How catalogues contribute to websites with a focus on e-commerce and web sales

How catalogues contribute to websites with a focus on e-commerce and web sales

Catalogues are not typically associated with online media. There is a belief that catalogues are an old school approach to business and sales and marketing focus should be online, through e-commerce and social media.
We can actually shatter these views…. with proof. (Yes, we are that powerful!)

It’s been shown that companies who have catalogues have a better grip on their sales strategy and use catalogues as a powerful tool to drive web traffic. According to our report, Channel Vision 2.0*, organisations have stated that 29% of their web sales were being driven by a catalogue. And companies who have a big focus on e-commerce are actually 3 times more likely to have a catalogue. These are powerful figures!

Catalogues aside, you’d still expect most companies today to drive their sales through online activity. Shockingly, our report found that 32% of businesses in the UK are yet to develop a social media strategy! And even more shocking is that 1 in 10 companies don’t monitor their web statistics with 15% unsure how to even measure the effectiveness of their website!

With a prevailing wisdom that a strong online presence is crucial to successful business, it’s clear that many businesses need to fast-forward and move with the times!

How many companies do you know that haven’t adapted their businesses to online platforms or social media such as Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn? If you count yourself among them, then you need to wake up and smell the roses; online activity MATTERS to every business (including a catalogue business!).

Social media use has risen significantly in the past year. Over two thirds of businesses are implementing it into their organisations, but that still leaves almost one third without a plan in place. No self-respecting business manager should ignore social media, it is a vital tool to communicate with your customers.

There is no doubt that a multi-channel approach works. And businesses should employ a wide range of sales and marketing tools such as direct mail, email marketing, social media etc. There is also a huge correlation between high performing web strategies and the use of catalogues. If your catalogue and website integrate effectively, you are more likely to attract more consumers who spend more, more often and more frequently.

The report (Channel Vision 2.0*) also highlighted the majority of companies having information-rich websites whilst only half have e-commerce. Significantly, 39% are not focused on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and therefore losing out on valuable traffic and potential sales leads.

It is also worth noting that organisations selling via a catalogues are far more likely to have a website with e-commerce. This in turn makes them more likely to deploy SEO and pay per click. Clearly catalogue businesses have seen the opportunities that integrating online and offline activity brings.

So there we are, still think catalogues are the ‘old’ way of doing business? If you want to maximise your sales opportunities you have to think outside the box. Catalogues are both sales and marketing tools and integrate well with other channels. They blur the online/offline divide and are still as relevant today as they ever have been!

Ian Simpson is Managing Director of Catalogues4Business who specialise in producing highly effective, marketing-driven catalogues. C4B’s catalogue design offers brands the maximum effect to sell their products. For more information either phone 0845 2300 258 or visit

*Channel Vision 2.0 available to download from our website.